I am glad to share that in May, while coincidentally being in Spain (my father turned 70 so we were there for a party!), I was awarded with the 1st Prize in the 1st Concurso de Pasodobles Fundación Sanganxa, dedicated to the 50th edition of Altea International Music Competition.

Such a great honor! And honestly, I did not think I would win it, after listening the other pasodobles. Such great works, specially the one from my friend Christiaan Janssen: ¡Viva mi banda!

My pasodoble is now named El Cim d’Altea, as a reference to the Concurso Internacional de Música (CIM) d’Altea, but also the “cim” (Valencian for peak, hilltop) of the city of Altea itself, and how musicians in these contest fight to get to the top (cim) of their excellence.

El Cim d’Altea can be now found in my website as well as in Branfor. For more info, just write me an email. 😉

Thanks again to Ajuntament d’Altea, Fundación Sanganxa, the SF Alteanense and to Rafael Garrigós, for making my music possible.